Bukittinggi city began standing in line with the arrival of the Dutch who later founded the blockhouse in 1825 during the War Padri in one of the hills contained within this city, known as Fort de Kock, as well as a resting place officers in the Dutch colonies . Later in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the area is always enhanced role in the constitution which later developed into a Stadsgemeente (city), and also serves as the capital Afdeeling Padangsche Bovenlanden and Onderafdeeling Oud Agam.
At the time of Japanese occupation, the City of Bukittinggi as a central operation for the Sumatra militernya rule, even to Singapore and Thailand, where the city becomes an ideal position to 25 Kenpeitai military commander, under the command of Major General Toyoji Hirano. Then the town changed its name from Fort de Kock Stadsgemeente be Bukittinggi The Sho Yaku the district expanded to include surrounding areas such as Nagari-Nagari Anam Sianok Quarter, KALIPUCANG, Kapau, Ampang Gadang, Taba and Bukit Batu Batabuah. Now the Nagari-Nagari into Agam regency.
After the independence of Indonesia, Bukittinggi zoned for urban governance based on the Decree of the Governor of the Province of Sumatra No. 391 dated June 9, 1947, once the capital of the Province of Sumatra at the time, with its governor Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan.
Later in the regulations in Lieu of Law No.. 4 in 1959, United Kingdom established as the capital city of Central Sumatra-residency that includes residencies, West Sumatra, Jambi and Riau are now each residency has become its own provinces.
Having developed the prefecture of West Sumatra province of West Sumatra, Bukittinggi is designated as the capital of his province,. since 1958 the de facto capital of Province have moved to a deyuire Padangnamun Bukittinggi in 1978 then no longer be the capital of West Sumatra province, with the release of Government Regulation no. 29 in 1979 to move the capital of West Sumatra province to Padang.
Right now the status of municipalities Bukittinggi Regional Level II in accordance with law No.. 5 year 1974 concerning Regional Government which has been perfected by Law NO. 22/99menjadi of Bukittinggi.
In summary the development of Bukittinggi can be seen as follows:
In summary the development of Bukittinggi can be seen as follows:
A. In the period of Dutch colonization
Originally sebagaiGeemente Fort De Kock and then became Staadgemente Fort De Kock, as stipulated in No. Staadblad. 358 in 1938 the total area equal to the area of Bukittinggi now.
B. During the Period of Japanese Occupation
At this time the United Kingdom named Shi Sho Yaku a wider area than the City Bukittingggi now coupled with Nagari-Nagari Sianok, Gadit, Ampang Tower, Taba and Bukit Batu Batabuah.
At the time of maintaining the independence of Indonesia, the City Bukitinggi role as the city struggles, where on December 19, 1948, the city is designated as the capital of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fell into Dutch hands, known as the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Later on, the event was designated a State-Defense Day, based on the Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 Year 2006 dated December 18, 2006.
The next big city of Bukittinggi be based on Law Number 9 Year 1956 concerning the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra period, which covers the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.
Even after the issuance of Government Regulation Number 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis of regional government in the implementation of Bukittinggi, but until now still can not be implemented.
Geography of Bukittinggi:
City of Bukittinggi is located in the Bukit Barisan range stretching along the Sumatra island, surrounded by three volcanoes, namely Mount Singgalang, Mount Marapi and Mount Sago, and are located at an altitude of 909-941 meters above sea level. The city is also a cold air with temperatures ranging between 16.1 - 24.9 ° C. While the total area of the town Bukittinggi this time (25.24 km ²), 82.8% was allocated to land cultivation, while the rest is forest cover.
The city has a hilly topography and berlembah, some hills are scattered in urban areas, among them the Mount Ambacang, Bukit Tambun Bones, Mandiangin Hill, Hill Campago, Kubangankabau Hill, Bukit Pinang Sabatang Nan, Canggang Hill, Hill Paninjauan and so on. While there is a valley which is also known as Sianok canyon with a depth that varies between 75-110 m, which didasarnya flows a river called the Trunk Masang which empties into the west coast of the island.
The development of the urban population can not be separated from the change in Bukittinggi Bukittingi a trade center in the Minangkabau highlands, starting with the market dibangunya by the Dutch East Indies government in 1890 under the name loods, local people spell it with loih, with a curved roof became known as the Loih Galuang.
Today, the city Bukittingi is the most populous city in the province of West Sumatra, with a workforce of 52,631 people and about 3845 of them are pengangguran.Kota is dominated by ethnic Minangkabau, but there are also ethnic Chinese, Javanese, Tamil and Batak.
Chinese community to come together with the emergence of markets in London, they allowed the Dutch East Indies government to build a shop / kiosk at the foot of the hill fortress of Fort de Kock west, stretching from south to north, now known as Kampung Cino. While the Indian traders placed in the foothills of the north, a circular from east to west and is now called Kampung Keling.
History of Physical Bukittinggi
A history of physical Bukittinggi can be described as follows:
1. Top Markets
Upper Market was founded on the hill Kabau Cage in 1858, the first building construction los galung with curved roof-shaped metal frame.
2. Zoo
Zoo Gardens was formerly with the name later changed its name to Bunge Park Youngest Puti. With the Local Government. 2 in 1995 was named Parks Wildlife and Cultural Kinantan. Built in 1900 with the name on the Mount Cubadak Stormpark Bungkuak by Conteleur Gravenzande. In 1929 has become a zoo veterinarian with the leadership of J. Ock.
3. Level 40
To contact the Market to Market Banto Top and Bottom Market dinagunlah jejang 40. There is actually rung on the ladder which amounted to 100 pieces, but the named level 40 because the number of small steps on the steep side of the upper totaling 40 units. Established in 1898 became Assistant Agam Westeenek period.
4. Fort
The fort was founded by Captain Baeur in 1825 at the Mount Jirek, namely during the Baron de Kock Mark Hendrick de Roepen Commander and Deputy Governor General of Dutch East Indies. From hence the name of Fort de Kock.
5. Clock Tower
Clock Tower is a symbol of the city of Bukittinggi Bukittinggi so often called the city Clock Tower, founded in 1926 by Countorleur Rookmaker.
6. Levels Gantuang
Gantuang level was set at tahun1932 while Cator Countoleur Agam Tuo penyebarangan utilized as a bridge from Market to Market slope down.
7. Traditional House Baanjuang
This custom home was established in 1935 on Mount Cubadak Bungkuak that is, in Wildlife Parks and Cultural Kinantan now in the J. Mandelaar Countroleur Agam Tuo. In this custom home lots of stored objects of heritage bauk Bukittinggi and Minangkabau.
8. Schools
Ever since the Dutch colonial era, has been widely established in New York City schools are the only one to Sumatra, Bukittinggi supported the cool weather suitable for education.
The schools are founded are as follows:
a. Kweek School, the only school for the island of Sumatra and is also called the King school. This is where student teacher candidates untukl Bumiputra.
b. MOSVLA who is also the only one in Sumatra where the candidates The civil service and police.
c. MULO there are 2 pieces owned by the Government in Minang Kabau and a privately owned managed by IVOORSA.
d. HIS government owned 2 fruit and 3 fruit is managed by the private sector, namely one by PGI, 1 by VSM (now PSM) and 2 longer established by Zainuddin Sutan named VORSA Kingdom, branches in Medan with IVORNO name.
9. Hospital
Ahmad Mochtar Hospital is now, was originally built by the Dutch government for its military interests, YARSI, Army Hospital IV, Hospital Development Center handling of Stroke Nasioanal (P3SN) RSUP Bukittinggi and Madina Hospital.
Upper Market was founded on the hill Kabau Cage in 1858, the first building construction los galung with curved roof-shaped metal frame.
2. Zoo
Zoo Gardens was formerly with the name later changed its name to Bunge Park Youngest Puti. With the Local Government. 2 in 1995 was named Parks Wildlife and Cultural Kinantan. Built in 1900 with the name on the Mount Cubadak Stormpark Bungkuak by Conteleur Gravenzande. In 1929 has become a zoo veterinarian with the leadership of J. Ock.
3. Level 40
To contact the Market to Market Banto Top and Bottom Market dinagunlah jejang 40. There is actually rung on the ladder which amounted to 100 pieces, but the named level 40 because the number of small steps on the steep side of the upper totaling 40 units. Established in 1898 became Assistant Agam Westeenek period.
4. Fort
The fort was founded by Captain Baeur in 1825 at the Mount Jirek, namely during the Baron de Kock Mark Hendrick de Roepen Commander and Deputy Governor General of Dutch East Indies. From hence the name of Fort de Kock.
5. Clock Tower
Clock Tower is a symbol of the city of Bukittinggi Bukittinggi so often called the city Clock Tower, founded in 1926 by Countorleur Rookmaker.
6. Levels Gantuang
Gantuang level was set at tahun1932 while Cator Countoleur Agam Tuo penyebarangan utilized as a bridge from Market to Market slope down.
7. Traditional House Baanjuang
This custom home was established in 1935 on Mount Cubadak Bungkuak that is, in Wildlife Parks and Cultural Kinantan now in the J. Mandelaar Countroleur Agam Tuo. In this custom home lots of stored objects of heritage bauk Bukittinggi and Minangkabau.
8. Schools
Ever since the Dutch colonial era, has been widely established in New York City schools are the only one to Sumatra, Bukittinggi supported the cool weather suitable for education.
The schools are founded are as follows:
a. Kweek School, the only school for the island of Sumatra and is also called the King school. This is where student teacher candidates untukl Bumiputra.
b. MOSVLA who is also the only one in Sumatra where the candidates The civil service and police.
c. MULO there are 2 pieces owned by the Government in Minang Kabau and a privately owned managed by IVOORSA.
d. HIS government owned 2 fruit and 3 fruit is managed by the private sector, namely one by PGI, 1 by VSM (now PSM) and 2 longer established by Zainuddin Sutan named VORSA Kingdom, branches in Medan with IVORNO name.
9. Hospital
Ahmad Mochtar Hospital is now, was originally built by the Dutch government for its military interests, YARSI, Army Hospital IV, Hospital Development Center handling of Stroke Nasioanal (P3SN) RSUP Bukittinggi and Madina Hospital.
The city is the center of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra tourism that has enthusiasts / visitors that many of the various countries. Here are various places of tourist attraction attracting many tourists from various corners, and has historical value:

Clock Tower was built in 1926 by an architect named Yazid Sutan Dental Ameh. Clock Tower is a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to the Rook Maker, Controleur or secretary of the town of Bukittinggi in the reign of the Dutch East Indies. Laying the first stone clock tower was conducted by Rook Maker's first son who was then 6 years old.
Such a phenomenal, since it was built and since its establishment, the Clock Tower has become the center of everyone's attention. It also resulted in the Clock Tower used as a marker or landmark town of Bukittinggi and also as one of the icons Barat.Selain Sumatra province, the room under the Clock Tower has also been used as a ticket booth, police stations, and warehouses in 1970.
Construction of the Clock Tower is said to cost of development with a total of 3,000 Gulden, which costs quite fantastic for the size of the time. But it paid off with the famous Clock Tower as a landmark as well as the iconic town of Bukittinggi. In addition, the Clock Tower is also set as the zero point the town of Bukittinggi.
Since its establishment, the clock tower has undergone three changes to the roof. Established early in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the roof of the Clock Tower round shape with a statue of a rooster facing eastwards on it. Later in the reign of the Japanese occupation shaped pagoda. And since the proclamation of Indonesian independence, the Clock Tower-shaped roof on a house roof in traditional Minangkabau (Tower House).
The last renovation was done in 2010 by the Heritage Preservation Board Indonesia (ARDI) with the support of Bukittinggi city government and the Dutch embassy in Jakarta, and was inaugurated exactly on the anniversary of the town Bukittinggi to 262 on December 22, 2010.
The first time that the Clock Tower was built, 1926, do not miss the neighborhood come on. There are bus terminals, office buildings Afdeeling Padangsche Bovenlanden Resident Assistant - now a State Bung Hatta Palace complex. On the west side, gas stations, police stations, and office Controleur Oud Agam. Stopping place or gig gig was prepared. Then not far from stopping there gig Loih Galuang as well as some loods (los), the Minangkabau call loih, other.
Loih Galuang (Los Curved) was built in 1890. Los others were also built for grocer, cloth, also meat and fish. Structuring the market performed in the early 20th century by the Secretary of the City of Agam Tuo (Oud Controleur Agam) LC Westenenk.
Bukittinggi, Indonesia proclaimed hometown, Bung Hatta, at the time of Japan, a military control center for the region of Sumatra. Fort de Kock Stadsgemeente name was changed to Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho. In the struggle for independence, the city is designated as an emergency government capital city of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fell into the hands of the Netherlands in 1948-1949. The city has also been established as the capital of the province of Sumatra and Central Sumatra.
Extensive ground-plan of the Clock Tower is a 13 x 4 meters, with a tower 26 meters high. Meanwhile four hour imported from Rotterdam, Netherlands via the Gulf ports Bayur is mechanically driven by the engine and has a diameter of 80 cm respectively. It is said that the machine at the Clock Tower built only two units in the world; yourself Clock Tower and Big Ben in London, England.
Clock Tower was built without the use of iron peyangga and mortar. Only mixtures of lime, egg white, and white sand. The uniqueness of the Clock Tower itself is the mistake of writing the Roman numeral four ("IV") on each day is written "IIII".
Loih Galuang (Los Curved) was built in 1890. Los others were also built for grocer, cloth, also meat and fish. Structuring the market performed in the early 20th century by the Secretary of the City of Agam Tuo (Oud Controleur Agam) LC Westenenk.
Bukittinggi, Indonesia proclaimed hometown, Bung Hatta, at the time of Japan, a military control center for the region of Sumatra. Fort de Kock Stadsgemeente name was changed to Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho. In the struggle for independence, the city is designated as an emergency government capital city of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fell into the hands of the Netherlands in 1948-1949. The city has also been established as the capital of the province of Sumatra and Central Sumatra.
Extensive ground-plan of the Clock Tower is a 13 x 4 meters, with a tower 26 meters high. Meanwhile four hour imported from Rotterdam, Netherlands via the Gulf ports Bayur is mechanically driven by the engine and has a diameter of 80 cm respectively. It is said that the machine at the Clock Tower built only two units in the world; yourself Clock Tower and Big Ben in London, England.
Clock Tower was built without the use of iron peyangga and mortar. Only mixtures of lime, egg white, and white sand. The uniqueness of the Clock Tower itself is the mistake of writing the Roman numeral four ("IV") on each day is written "IIII".

Japan is a hole 4km long tunnel in the bowels of the earth city of Bukittinggi. To get to the bottom of Goa, we had to descend about 132 ank ladder rungs. There are three doors to the outside in the blood of the Mount Chic. But only two are functioning. One just below the cliff in the cave there panorama.Di substation electric lighting. The floor was covered konblok. The walls and polished cement ceiling.
Actually, the hole was made to tempar Japanese soldiers hiding / shelter. Hole was made since March 1944, and completed in early June 1944.
Actually, the hole was made to tempar Japanese soldiers hiding / shelter. Hole was made since March 1944, and completed in early June 1944.

The fort was built during Padri War, around 1825 by Capt.. Bauer. Sturdy building that was built on Mount Jirek, and originally given the name Sterrenschans. Then, shortly his name changed to Fort de Kock, by Hendrik Merkus de Kock, who is one of the military leaders Belanda.Usai build the fort, a few years later ¬ dian around the fort is also developing a town named Fort de Kock. And now changed its name to Bukittinggi. The fort was built as a defense.

Sianok canyon is very beautiful when seen from above panorama, because it shows a very exotic natural beauty and has a long river flows underneath which lies between the hills - high hills.

Kinantan Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Indonesia, and is the zoo's largest and most comprehensive on the island of Sumatra.
That characterized City of Bukittinggi is a popular cooking unique and delicious, and to arouse the taste buds penikmatnya.contohnya are:
Method of manufacture is a Banana ripe kepok baked first. Then banana clamped (Minang language: dikapit) until flattened and widened. These pins have like two jointed wooden cutting board. Squashed bananas lieutenant results are then given a sprinkling of grated coconut cooked with brown sugar. Warm and sweet. Delicious!
Hmmm,,, so first infonya friends?? thank you friends already maumembaca ... hahahah
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